Placeholder A Wee Bit More's Year in Review ... & New Year's Flash Sale

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A Wee Bit More's Year in Review ... & New Year's Flash Sale

AWBM's 2019 Year in Review

Happy New Year, dear friends. Please enjoy our FLASH SALE for the rest of the day. 
And now, it's time for what will be our annual:

A Wee Bit More's Year in Review
2019 edition, and what makes this year even more special is that not only is it the end of a year, it's also the end of a decade
Wow, that's momentous, and scary exciting at the same time. But I'll be brief, as I have been working solo this week (as my coworker is sick, cough, cough :)), and I have my grandbabies waiting for me at home:
Aiden in front yard
Happy 7th Birthday, Aiden!!!
it was yesterday, Nana didn't forget, Amazon managed to deliver his gifts yesterday, too, so Aiden was pleased, Nana was too pooped to pot (an "old English" phrase that my dear Momma used to say all the time; meaning TIRED") ... after a loooong day at work, at the infamous Thoroughly Exhausting 9-5 (Really 8-5, But Who's Counting?) Job, and I can't wait to sleep in tonight. Whew!!!
That said, here's a brief run down on what happened this year for me and Freddy and a venture known as A Wee Bit More:
  1. We got serious about our brand new online E-commerce shop, for reals, in January, 2019!!!
  2. We bought and joined 2 new programs including one from the prior year, that totaled over $3,000.00 ... sadly not 1 was completed (but they've made the Top Ten on next year's ToDo List);
  3. We began using Constant Contact, our email program, that we signed up for in the previous year, But Never Used;
  4. We signed up for Tailwind and that was a God send;
  5. We signed up for Canva, then Canva Pro, and that was a God send, too;
  6. We bought 2 stationary bikes and have made consistent progress with the one at work ... the one at home gets used less frequently, but we're working on that;
  7. We started a blog, and have posted, included this one, 25 blog posts (I'm so proud);
  8. We quit Pinterest, then got back together, then decided to stop paying them for ads, so we skyrocketed to over 870k viewers/mo (so they say), to a comfortable 45k (so they still say), but my pocketbook is full, no sales, but a pocket full of posies;
  9. We said hello to a cane, and have progressed so much that it resides currently in my closet (and hopefully, it'll stay there);
  10. We bought a new bag, that arrived yesterday, so there's hope for that 3-pack that I carry with me daily ... my "baggage" to become 2 in the near future (give me time, people, give me time);
  11. We deleted over 2,500 emails YESTERDAY, so my unread personal email account dropped from over 11,000 unread to over 9,000 unread ... but it's climbing as I write. My goal is to have no more than 50 emails in my Inbox ... say what now? ...;
  12. We managed to have quite a bit of moola in December, as we decided NOT to buy supplies every . single . payday;
  13. We were invited to join in the Annual Tennyson All-American Festival, for the second time (what an honor);
  14. We were able to screenshot the multiple folders of images on our iPhone (which is the last step before being able to begin the deletion process, also in the Top Ten, but still at over 17,000 images ... sigh;
  15. We unsubscribed from 55 emails;
  16. We deleted 15 alarms from our phone;
  17. And, we were able to do a lot of other fantabulous things, but I'm out of time, lunchtime is over, I have a ton of work to do (flying solo, remember?) so I'll have to end this with:

We GOT 'ER DUN in a lot of ways, but we still have a long way to go. I've decided the first entry in my new Life Planner will be to set a goal of 3 months, January through March 2020, to

Get 'Er Completely DUN

My birthday is in April, and I'm taking a few days off, so I need to have this life stuff sorted out before then, 'cause that's when my New Year begins. Check in and see how well I did, on March 31 to see if it went down to the last minute ... again ...

Before we sign off and get back to work:

We gained a brand new baby girl, Zoey, and she's our pride and joy:

 Zoey in the front yard

This year we lost our beloved Kyle, or Bubba, and although it's still quite painful and raw, we're slowly getting through it. We Love You, Bubba!!!

We also lost our beloved cat, Bea, who adopted us in December 2000 ... and I really wish I'd known exactly when she passed and the true circumstances, but I'll push that down and get over it as she was such a sweetheart ... We Love You, Bea!!!

 Bea in 2009

P.S. I just got rejected by Amazon for not having enough traffic ... now I need to reflect on if I really want to do that. So keep us in your thoughts as I contemplate what our next steps will be and 

"Til Next Year, stay blessed, be strong and prosper.

Blog Post #026 | 31 December 2019


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