Placeholder Happy Birthday, Alex!!! – A Wee Bit More

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Happy Birthday, Alex!!!

Alex Year 1

 Happy Birthday, Alex!!!

Don't cha just love baby pictures? I think they are the cutest things, and this is one of my favorites.

And: we were able to move back home on March 1 (yay!!!) so life was kind of starting to get back to normal, but then a nasty little virus seems to have infected the world, so it's good that my family can focus on other things right now like birthdays and things like that there ...

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Alex is my third child, and second daughter, and she just so happens to also be a first, and a one and only: she's the only child I've birthed, 1 in 5, naturally. Don't ask me how I did it 'cause I haven't a clue. No recollection whatsoever. I mean, I know I was there, right, but I can't recall anything about it, and it hurt like the dickens, just like the other four, but this time I was able to push her out.

How'd that happen?

To this day, I have no idea and think it so odd that people are actually awake during all that pain, myself included, then, when you finally get that epidural, they tell you to "sit still or this can kill you," and they are not joking. How we women do it is a mystery because the pain is so great you feel like killing everything in sight. You're beyond being beside yourself and you transform into this "thing" I'm not even sure what to call it, but you transform. So when I hear others talk about being in labor for "oh, 30 minutes" I take a deep breath and tell myself to just "breathe" ... and sometimes that works.

Anyhoo, now that I've share that little tidbit, back to Just Alex and a few of my other favorite pics:

Alex in school

  Alex in school

Me & Alex

Me & Alex

Kids at Aunties (fav)

Kids at Auntie's (fav)

She likes that her name is Just Alex, not Alexis or Alexandra, Just Alex. I've always had a penchant for girls with boy's names ... not so much the other way around, though: always found it odd to call a boy Leslie, you know what I mean? My middle name is Reneé and I went to school with a boy named Rene, and that was interesting, but I'll share more on that at a later date.

For now, and today especially, while the world is most likely celebrating with an Irish green drink of choice, in a pub, no less, this family is celebrating the life of a very special lady:

Just Alex

Yeah, that's Alex

Aside from being literally smack dab in the middle, she likes to stay neutral, and tries to keep a positive attitude. I quite like that about her :).

So here's to a fabulous little lady, and my wish is that she have a most FANTABULOUS new year, and many blessings, for now and all time.


Alex blog cover

I love you, sweet pea!!!

As is my way, I want to post this birthday wish on the date of her birth, on 03/17 at 3:17, and that's exactly what I'll do.

In honor of this beautiful, sweet lady, who I dearly love, it wouldn't be me, if I didn't write a haiku poem for Just Alex:

Embrace your power
Your mighty light shines brightly
Own your worth, stand proud

Love Always,

Your Momma

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As seasons change, and we celebrate new beginnings, sadly, there are those we must also celebrate as they move on to another journey. We lost someone near and dear yesterday, and that was my children's Uncle Ronald, my brother-in-law, their father's twin. It's so unbelievable when you hear the news, although he fought that fight as hard as he could.

When you think of the happy times and try not to get caught up in the loss, it changes how you view life and your whole perspective.

Ronald, we love you and will miss you terribly, but we know your pain is gone and you're in God's hands now. 'Til we meet again ...

Alex and Uncle Ronald

 Alex & Uncle Ronald

AWBM Blog Post #035 | 17 March 2020 | We Love You Uncle Ronald.


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